среда, 22 мая 2013 г.

Проект по английкому языку. 8 клас. Проблемы окружающей среды.

Our planet is very polluted. Most of people are pollute our planet.
People kill animals, hunting and forest destruction. Because of the use of cars the air is very polluted. In some rivers there is no fish because of chemicals that emit factory. What can we say about our town?
The total area of pollution in Taganrog is four thousand square kilometers. Environmental situation in the city of Taganrog may be characterized as a crisis: air and Taganrog Bay is very dirty, poor health people and other
I propose several decisions to these problems:
View news ecology at least once a week. Read or watch about the environment of the TV, the Internet and newspapers. Our family is read about the environment, every Friday.
If you want to throw anything, stop and think - is it really needed someone. For example: your children are grown up, then you can give them clothes and toys present to your friends who have small children, and if you bought a new computer, you cannot throw out the old, and to present him to the man who does haven’t a computer. My family exchanges with our friend’s different things a lot of years.
 Our city doesn’t have recycling centers, but you can collect garbage that may be recycled and once a week export it to the nearest recycling center, such as Rostov-on-Don.
You should buy products unpackaged. At the supermarket, there is no choice, almost all the products are packed, but the decision is. My Mom goes to the market, once a week. She buy food for the week, on the market most of the products are unpacked, so less of it rubbish.
High ecological problems are used by cars. Exhaust gases pollute the air. I propose a solution to this problem. Use the bikes! Of course, in the days of winter cycling is very cold, but you can use public transport. In our town a lot of cars and air is very dirty. I travel around the town only a bicycle and my parents sometimes go to work on it, in the summer. Last year, my dad a one month went to work on a bicycle, increased their health and don’t pollute the air with the exhaust gases.
Taganrog Bay is very polluting chemicals that are poured into the factory. Runoffs pollute the rivers by various chemicals, washed from agricultural fields. It makes taking serious measures to clean household and industrial waste water. In Taganrog clean these waste water but, as shown by the chemical test of water, some toxic substances remain in the water. I ask you: don’t throw garbage into the water.
Public health depends of the environment as the environment of our town is very polluted, people get sick.
Follow these rules that I called, and the environment of our town will be better!

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